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I like the idea, but I found it a little unbalanced.    I really could not stop the caravan.   I think it would be fun if the different resources interacted with each-other more.  Maybe more People in the caravan means they consume food and water faster?         Would love to see another version! 

Yes! We were planning to do exactly that initially. We literally submitted the final build a literal single second before the deadline. I was up for 39 hours straight. We are going to get all the other stuff in soon!


Really nice game apart from the issues that have been already pointed out, I enjoyed playing it! Also, a simple background would have made a big difference. Very Cool! :)

The plan was to have some 3D clouds scrolling by behind the tiles to really sell the "sky" look. Never got around to implementing them even though out artist made them haha.


The style is gorgeous and super relaxing, but I found the controls very fiddly (they're better full screen, though).  It'd be great if the caravan's resources were always visible, and if the cards use the same icons.
The Daily Game is a brilliant idea, and seems well implemented. Congrats on a good job yall!

Thank you a bunch for the feedback! Definitely working on reworking the controls and displaying the resources.

Putting the resource images on the cards is a great idea. I wonder if text mesh pro lets you do that.

(1 edit) (+2)

I liked the idea of the game. I really wanted to stop that caravan! I had a similar idea with my game. The artwork and music are really good. There was some issue with the card interface. Nice job! Link to my entry:


Love this game! Great writing and art, plus I love the randomly generated tile sets. Feels really fun when you're hoping to get a good pull from the deck of cards.